Have you ever had one of those OMG moments? Now I’m not talking about the moments that the world uses so flippantly, I’m talking about one of those moments when God absolutely blows you away. Right out of your socks and onto your knees moments. That Oh, MY GOD! Oh God you see me! Oh God you heard my prayers this morning. Oh God you really are MY GOD! My Defender. My Healer. My Redeemer. My Everything! Well, this girl had one of those beautiful, “take-your-breath-away” moments this morning. Oh how I love Him even more for these intimate moments.

I woke up around 4:00 am and had several things on my heart that I wanted, no needed, to talk to God about and not only did I cry out to Him, He reminded me, oh so sweetly, that He heard me. As I started getting ready I hit the button on my phone, like I do every morning, to play “random” praise and worship music. Would you believe that God not only sang A song over me but an entire worship set!!!! WHAT??!!!! Oh yes He did!!!! All my worship leaders out there know that means He gave me three amazingly beautiful songs. Ha! Three love songs that spoke so clearly. So loudly. So intimately to my soul. Oh sweet friend trust me when I say God sees you. He is faithful. He hears your prayers for the friend that needs miraculous healing so that she not only sees her children grow up but sees the face of her grandchildren when they breathe their first breath. He hears you when you cry out for the child that Has lost their way. He hears you when you are full of fear, grief or so broken that you don’t know if you can go on. Even when you don’t want to go on…He hears you. And He cares about every single detail. Better yet, He is the answer. See my friend HE IS ALWAY ENOUGH EVEN IF….

My “worship set” the Lord sang over me this morning….


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